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Factory thousands of designs and picked the best ones for each NZ model. This perfection is now ready to distinguish your car and infuse it with the spirit of city streets, speed and drive. The latest trends in the automotive fashion have been embedded into each spoke and curve of NZ wheels.

Produce NZ alloy wheels at two full-cycle plants and keep everything under strict control – from deliveries of raw materials to packaging of final products. Plants, which produce wheels under NZ brand, also produce original (OEM) wheels for renowned carmakers.

From design to production, each wheel goes through the test program and product approval process. Modern computerized equipment allows for 100% quality assurance and rejection of defects at each stage. 

Production facilities are certified according to the international standards ISO 14001:2004, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001:2008. Additionally, products meet the requirements of CE and TSE, the European and Turkish quality standards, which guarantees the perfect quality of each wheel. The standard 1-year warranty,

NZ lineup is one of the richest with 150 designs and 35 paintwork and finishing options. We can produce either alloy or forged wheels at the wish of our customer. While doing business in the fast lane, we quickly respond to the market demand, and can launch a mold upon customer’s request.

With their outstanding features, NZ wheels have won the love and recognition of consumers in more than 15 countries. In 2015, we sold 400,000 wheels and this number is growing.


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