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Alcasta alloy wheels incorporate 38 design solutions, which make any car look great. The design of the wheels is both discreet and attractive.

Alcasta wheels are produced on modern equipment at 2 plants certified under ISO 14001:2004, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001:2008. Each wheel has TSE, CE compliance certificates. Therefore, in our manufacturing we use only environmentally friendly raw materials and minimize impact on the environment thanks to state-of-the-art filtration and purification systems.

Alcasta Trademark is registered in 55 countries.

 Wheels are developed by highly professional designers and engineers.  Today, we sell Alcasta to France, Norway, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia with the number of countries growing every year.

What is behind the Alcasta brand name?
1. Cutting-edge technologies. Alcasta wheels are developed and produced by professional engineers on the state-of-the-art equipment. With virtual 3D-tests and bench runs in our own laboratories, we can guarantee safe operation of wheels in any conditions. Factory use high-quality aluminum alloy and high-precision robotic systems for processing and painting to ensure defects-free production process.

2. Reliability. Certified quality management system ISO 14001:2004, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001:2008 covers all production stages and ensures compliance with all international standards in automotive industry. Safety of every customer is  top priority.

Comfort. Lightweight and elastic alloy reduces the loads transmitted to car’s suspension and delivers a high level of comfort on any road.

3. Safety. Before Alcasta wheels are delivered to end customer, they go through all kinds of tests in own laboratory: tension test, radial runout and dynamic balance test, air tightness check, corrosion resistance, diagnostics for structural integrity and microcracks, chromatic monitoring and evaluation of paint coat properties.

4. Durability. We guarantee excellent quality and performance of products during the entire lifetime. All Alcasta wheels have a 1-year warranty . 


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